Saturday, 6 August 2016

Okay.....the moment you've been waiting for....the "uniform".....
It's the typical "flight attendant" uniform...complete with scarf and all!  I know, I're all envious and wish you had one just like this!  Well you're in luck....for the right price I will sell you fact I have 2 for the price of one!  

Had the battle of home Brazil vs. Australia today and it ended up being the battle we expected.  These  women play for keeps and take no prisoners...oh wait...there is an Olympic Gold Medal at stake!  Silly me!  I'm fortunate and have the day off tomorrow which means shopping and watching some men's hoops and possibly some other events.   Tried to send you a video here of the opening ceremonies...not sure if it downloaded but will publish and see if it works.  
That's all for now!!!!


  1. HOW AWESOME!! The opening ceremonies too ;-) LOL!!!

    LOVE the scarf! TOTALLY makes the outfit!

  2. What!!! No skirt!! �� Enjoy your day off!!!

  3. I'm with Gina, no skirt?! So disappointed. Oh by the way, since you're up, I'll take a coffee w/cream and sugar and a water no ice. Ha! Nice job yesterday. It was so cool watching your game.

  4. I had the choice of pants or a there really any surprise what I chose:)

  5. So what is the current bid on the uni it's a keeper :):) Thanks for the vid enjoy your day off

  6. Skirt or no skirt, the uniform and you show how persistence and diligence towards a goal payoff!

  7. Looks great.... "The Friendly Skies" are looking for new recruits.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Your illegal screen call in 4Q was on point!!! I was bragging to all my friends I made watch with me :) They mostly liked your "pelvic thrust" block mechanic...

    From TT
